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Talking to the Expert | Problems and Legal Aid

We present the first in a series of programs dedicated to the life of the Polish community in the United Kingdom under the theme: "Problems and Legal Assistance with Attorney Aneta Papatolios." This series aims to highlight the significant issues Poles face in the UK and present the available forms of legal support.

Brexit has introduced numerous changes that have significantly affected the daily, professional, and legal lives of Poles living in the United Kingdom—these changes primarily concern immigration matters.

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Aneta Papatolios, a certified lawyer with many years of experience working with the Polish community, emphasizes that one of the most common issues Poles approach her with is related to immigration, employment, and civil matters. She advises on how to secure one's rights.
Employment-related problems are frequently discussed. Poles report issues regarding wages, working conditions, and unfair dismissals. In such cases, it is crucial to know your rights and understand what steps can be taken to defend yourself effectively.

Aneta Papatolios also points out the differences between the Polish and British legal systems. These differences can affect the course of civil or criminal cases, so it is important to be aware of them and seek legal advice when necessary.
Among the most common problems, Poles report, are also health issues, both physical and mental. People facing such problems can rely on support from various organizations and specialists who offer help in difficult situations.
Those victims of discrimination or crimes can also count on legal assistance. Aneta emphasizes the importance of reporting such cases and seeking justice using the available legal means.
Regarding safeguarding savings and investments in light of the changing regulations after Brexit, staying updated with current laws and seeking advice from specialists to avoid potential financial problems is essential.
At the end of the conversation, Aneta Papatolios highlights that it is always worth seeking help from a qualified lawyer in case of any legal problems. Legal assistance is available at various stages of a legal conflict, and early intervention can significantly improve the chances of a positive resolution.

We warmly encourage you to contact Aneta Papatolios and to follow the upcoming episodes of our program "Conversation with an Expert," which will provide you with valuable information and dispel many doubts regarding the life of the Polish community in the United Kingdom.

Editor Maria Anna Furman

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