Stop Hate - Motivate! Liverpool and Bury JANUARY 2025
#StopHateMotivate #niehejtujemotywuje
Register to take part
The workshop conference for youth and adults, "STOP HATE! - MOTIVATE!" is a unique event aimed at combating hate speech and strengthening self-esteem within our community. ...The program includes inspiring lectures, panel discussions, and workshops that will help participants understand how to deal with hate and how to build a healthy sense of self-worth in school, work, and business.
WYSPA TV – Official Organizer of the Social Campaign in the UK: STOP HATE! - MOTIVATE!
Information for Participants of the "Stop Hate - Motivate!" Campaign
1. Campaign Participant
By participating in the Campaign, you gain a unique opportunity to engage in a vital discussion on hate speech and the challenges it presents. Participating in the Campaign also offers valuable networking opportunities in a welcoming atmosphere, complete with refreshments.
2. Campaign Exhibitor
As an exhibitor, you can significantly enhance your brand's visibility. We provide space for roll-ups, flyers, business cards, and product displays. Your logo will be prominently featured on the backdrop, posters, and all promotional materials for the Campaign, ensuring excellent media exposure through Wyspa TV’s initiatives.
3. Campaign Sponsor
As a sponsor, you receive full exhibitor privileges along with an additional promotional package. This includes an article about your business on Wyspa TV, enriched with up to 10 professional photos, which will greatly enhance your brand's recognition within the community and strengthen your image as an active partner of social initiatives.
Register to take part
The workshop conference for youth and adults, "STOP HATE! - MOTIVATE!" is a unique event aimed at combating hate speech and strengthening self-esteem within our community. ...The program includes inspiring lectures, panel discussions, and workshops that will help participants understand how to deal with hate and how to build a healthy sense of self-worth in school, work, and business.
WYSPA TV – Official Organizer of the Social Campaign in the UK: STOP HATE! - MOTIVATE!
Information for Participants of the "Stop Hate - Motivate!" Campaign
1. Campaign Participant
By participating in the Campaign, you gain a unique opportunity to engage in a vital discussion on hate speech and the challenges it presents. Participating in the Campaign also offers valuable networking opportunities in a welcoming atmosphere, complete with refreshments.
2. Campaign Exhibitor
As an exhibitor, you can significantly enhance your brand's visibility. We provide space for roll-ups, flyers, business cards, and product displays. Your logo will be prominently featured on the backdrop, posters, and all promotional materials for the Campaign, ensuring excellent media exposure through Wyspa TV’s initiatives.
3. Campaign Sponsor
As a sponsor, you receive full exhibitor privileges along with an additional promotional package. This includes an article about your business on Wyspa TV, enriched with up to 10 professional photos, which will greatly enhance your brand's recognition within the community and strengthen your image as an active partner of social initiatives.
🇵🇱 Zapraszamy do obejrzenia relacji z uroczystego koncertu z okazji Narodowego Święta Niepodległości w dniu 11 Listopada 2024 Manchester | RNCM - Royal Northern College of Music | ...Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Manchesterze Dziękujemy za zaproszenie 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Informacja dla uczestników Kampanii "Stop Hate - Motivate!"
1. Uczestnik Kampanii:Dołączając do Kampanii jako uczestnik, zyskujesz unikalną okazję, by zaangażować się w kluczową dyskusję na temat mowy nienawiści oraz wyzwań, ...jakie ona niesie. Udział w Kampanii to także szansa na wartościowy networking w przyjaznej atmosferze, połączony z poczęstunkiem.
2. Wystawca Kampanii:Jako wystawca masz możliwość znaczącego zwiększenia widoczności swojej marki. Oferujemy przestrzeń na roll-up, ulotki, wizytówki oraz prezentację Twoich produktów. Twoje logo znajdzie się na ściance, plakatach i wszelkich materiałach promujących Kampanię, co zapewnia doskonałą ekspozycję medialną w ramach działań Wyspa TV.
3. Sponsor Kampanii:Jako sponsor otrzymujesz pełne przywileje wystawcy oraz dodatkowy pakiet promocyjny. W jego ramach umieścimy artykuł o Twojej firmie na Wyspa TV, wzbogacony o profesjonalne zdjęcia (do 10), co znacząco zwiększy rozpoznawalność Twojej marki w społeczności oraz wzmocni Twój wizerunek jako aktywnego partnera społecznych inicjatyw.
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