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Independence Day at the Polish Scouting Centre ZHP in Fenton

Celebrating the Independence Day celebrations for Poles living abroad is essential to convey to the next generations that Poland is God, Honor, and Homeland. The organisers: Daniel Smykowski, Wild Hogs Airsoft Group, Polish Airsoft Team Thunder, Polish Ghost`s Squad, Husaria Polish Airsoft Team, showed that the spirit of Polishness manifests itself in words, deeds and plans for the future.

This was the case in Lincoln, where the Polish community gathered. The white and red flag was raised on the mast, and the Polish anthem, Mazurka Dąbrowski, was sung.
It is worth it for the young Polish generations to remember that the First World War brought the Polish state back to life after 123 years of captivity.

On November 11, 1918, representatives of the German government signed an armistice with the allied countries, ending the First World War. The Central Powers have been defeated. On this day, Poles worldwide celebrate this event with great pride and a great need to cultivate the spirit of Polishness and the memory of our ancestors who lost their lives fighting for our freedom and independence.

It was the first such event on Independence Day organised at the headquarters of the Central Scouting Hostel in Fenton. The organisers have prepared a lot of attractions. The biggest surprise for Wyspa TV was an invitation to the room with furniture and memorabilia of the last president in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, where you could feel this chapter of history that began in the Second Polish Republic and ended with a tragic epilogue on April 10, 2010.
The contemporary history of Poland goes on. Many people have done and still do a lot for the homeland, they do not place themselves on a pedestal, but their life achievements determine their superior social position.

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