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Opoka is a non-profit organization registered in England whose aim is to provide services to protect adults and children in need of special attention. All employees, volunteers and trustees of Opoka have a responsibility to protect children and adults at risk by caring for the well-being of women, men, girls and boys. The organization strives to prevent harm, abuse and exploitation, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender identity, race, religion, belief, gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.
Opoka believes everyone has the right to live free from violence and abuse. This right is based on the duty of public agencies to intervene proportionately. Protect the rights of citizens in accordance with the Human Rights Act. Opoka sees direct links between domestic violence, child abuse and harm suffered by children and young people.
Opoka's policy is a commitment to protecting children experiencing violence and the principles that underpin their approach. Regardless of the circumstances, people experiencing domestic violence deserve support in making decisions and regaining control over their lives. It is important to remember that many people remain in toxic relationships due to various factors, such as fear, lack of knowledge about healthy relationships, shame, intimidation, low self-esteem, financial dependence, disability, immigrant status, cultural context, children or intimate drug addiction—aggressive partner.
Leaving a toxic relationship can be difficult, and in an abusive situation, it may seem impossible without the proper access to support. Opoka offers individualized safety plans that are practical and designed to improve the safety of people experiencing abuse, both while experiencing it and after leaving the situation of abuse. These plans provide relevant information tailored to your situation to help you prepare for and respond to different scenarios. They cover topics such as informing friends and family about the situation, dealing with emotions and accessing resources appropriate to the person. If you experience or know of domestic violence, you can always ask a trusted organization like Opoka for help.
Opoka is committed to fighting violence and exploitation, striving to protect those who need it most. Through her actions and support, she helps people build a safe and violence-free life.