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VII World Forum of Polish Media: Summary and Key Moments:

From October 17-20, 2024, the VII World Forum of Polish Media gathered representatives of Polish media from all over the world in Warsaw. The event aimed to discuss the key challenges and directions for developing contemporary Polish media and fostering cooperation and the exchange of experiences.

Inauguration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
The Forum was inaugurated on October 17 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where participants were welcomed by Anna Sochańska, Director of the Department of Cooperation with the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad. During the opening speech, Anna Sochańska emphasized the importance of mutual support and collaboration in the face of global challenges, particularly concerning the situation of Polish media in Ukraine. The Forum appealed for support for Andrzej Poczobut and freedom of the press in the region.


AI Workshops and Modern Technologies:
On October 18, participants delved into the topic of artificial intelligence in journalism. Dr. Krzysztof Kowalik and Krzysztof Kępa from the University of Warsaw conducted a series of workshops on generative AI. The workshops covered the basic principles of artificial intelligence and its practical applications in creating textual and multimedia content. Special attention was paid to the benefits of efficient data processing and optimization of editorial work, as well as addressing potential risks related to disinformation and journalistic ethics.


Ethics, Law, and Digital Storytelling:
On October 19, expert lectures explored the dilemmas of contemporary journalism and new forms of narrative. Prof. Iwona Hofman from Maria Curie-Skłodowska University focused on ethical dilemmas in 21st-century journalism, including challenges related to information quality and reliability. Dr. Elżbieta Pawlak-Hejno introduced participants to the concept of digital storytelling, emphasizing the significance of new narrative forms in media communication.

Dr. Maria Łoszewska-Ołowska from the University of Warsaw delivered a lecture on the boundaries of freedom of speech in the context of privacy rights. The topic sparked lively discussions and highlighted the importance of legal and ethical considerations in journalistic work.

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New Technologies and Community Building:
During the Forum, the impact of modern technologies on media activities was also discussed. Piotr Marek, CEO of Tipmedia Group, presented the latest technological solutions, including AI applications for journalists and tools such as Google News and Google Discovery. These presentations allowed participants to become familiar with new opportunities offered by technological advancements in the context of editorial work.

The final day of the Forum, October 20, was dedicated to summaries and the development of joint conclusions. Participants had the opportunity to discuss plans and make decisions regarding cooperation between Polish media outlets. The discussion panel "Building a Community of Polish Media" became a platform for exchanging experiences and identifying key areas of collaboration.

The VII World Forum of Polish Media not only strengthened the bonds between journalists and representatives of Polish media but also contributed to the development of participants' competencies in new technologies and current trends in journalism. Debates such as "Free Voice for Media" enabled an open discussion on the challenges facing Polish media, and also emphasized the role of media in promoting Polish culture and values.

The Forum concluded with expressions of gratitude to all participants and an invitation to the next edition, which will take place next year.

Unforgettable Experience and Exceptional Hospitality:
The VII World Forum of Polish Media was not only a series of intensive discussions and lectures but also a perfect opportunity for participants from various corners of the globe to connect. Journalists from all over the world felt fully cared for by the organizers. After the inaugural events in Warsaw, the participants were transferred to the picturesque castle in Pułtusk, where they were greeted with royal hospitality. Exquisite dishes, dessert delicacies, and traditional liqueurs were a delightful addition to the evening discussions by the fireplace, fostering the exchange of experiences and relationship-building.

On the last day of the Forum, the participants were once again transferred to Warsaw, where a series of valuable lectures awaited them. The official conclusion of the event was marked by a ceremonial presentation of certificates, after which journalists exchanged contacts, strengthening a network of cooperation among media representatives from various parts of the world. After a hearty farewell lunch, the participants departed for six continents, carrying with them memories of exceptional hospitality and the rich experiences from the Forum.

The VII World Forum of Polish Media left a lasting impression on everyone as an event of not only great substantive value but also a unique gathering of media professionals, filled with inspiring moments and unforgettable experiences.

Editor Maria Anna Furman

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