Wyspa TV - Where You See People Achieve
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Wyspa TV - Where You See People Achieve
Training in care for chronically ill and palliative care, counseling and supportive strategies, prevention of risky behaviors, new media and communication, Polish culture, as well as theology and biblical studies - this is the educational offer of the Study Center of the Catholic University of Lublin John Paul II for the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad.
The university has started recruitment for classes that will begin in the fall.
All courses within the study program are free of charge and will be conducted by professors, lecturers, and experts from the Catholic University of Lublin. They will last for six months and will be held in a hybrid mode: three two-day stationary sessions and three two-day online sessions. Graduates will receive KUL diplomas and certificates of completion of the study program in Polish and English.
The training equips support workers with the ability to diagnose the needs of those they support, choose appropriate supportive strategies (emotional, instrumental, and evaluative) based on the recipients' needs, and specific techniques based on Motivational Dialogue, psychological counseling, and crisis intervention. The training includes the basics of psychological intervention in crisis and conflict situations, including those related to children and youth. In addition to theoretical classes, workshops are planned. The training is addressed to, among others, teachers, catechists, priests and nuns, family counselors, volunteers, people working with children and youth, parents, and all interested parties.
Training aimed at parents, teachers, catechists, doctors, nurses, and volunteers. The training aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of adults in promoting the health of children and adolescents and preventing problematic behaviors such as substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, synthetic drugs, prescription drugs, energy drinks) and behavioral addictions (gaming, internet use, gambling, shopping, etc.), as well as aggressive behavior, violence, and unhealthy behaviors. Participants will learn about protective factors against risky behaviors in children and adolescents and how to strengthen them, as well as risk factors that can be minimized. The training is based on Jessor's problem behavior theory, Ajzen's model, Bandura's social modeling, and Hobfoll's conservation of resources theory.
The training prepares leaders who create local support systems. They will acquire competencies in the area of diagnosing the needs of the local community and supporting existing support systems (e.g. families, self-help groups) and creating new ones (e.g. volunteering: recruiting volunteers, training volunteers, providing them with substantive support). The training is based on leadership theories and systemic work.
Participants of the program will gain knowledge on various forms and contemporary genres of journalism. During the workshops, they will learn techniques used in writing articles and texts, conducting interviews, managing websites and social media: private, corporate, and institutional. The program will also include classes on diction, public speaking, self-presentation, as well as workshops on taking photographs and creating video materials. The training will be conducted by the Academy of Modern Media and Communication at KUL.
The classes are intended for people working in media or planning to do so, managing websites and social media profiles, engaging in public speaking, promoting a company or institution, interested in creating professional photographs and video materials, and all those interested.
The study will cover an overview of the history of the Catholic Church, the basics of Christian theology and philosophy, and biblical studies. Topics related to the social teaching of the Church, teachings on the family, and the teachings of St. John Paul II will be addressed. The classes and workshops will also focus on the methodology and didactics of catechesis, Catholic movements and communities, new evangelization methods related to new media and technologies, and evangelization projects. Graduates will be prepared to use new communication methods to convey evangelization messages to young people and children. Practical issues related to message transmission, leading discussions, and dialogue will also be discussed. The training is open to catechists or individuals interested in catechizing, leaders of movements, communities, and parish associations, as well as individuals seeking to deepen their formation.
The study program includes elements of Polish literature history, including contemporary literature; an overview of Polish history; Polish art, theater, and cinema history; basics of descriptive grammar of the Polish language and Polish language culture related to language correctness. During workshops, participants will learn about the methodology of promoting Polish culture, including the use of new media, technology, and projects. The training is dedicated to, among others, teachers of Polish schools abroad or those interested in this profession, leaders of Polish institutions and associations abroad, employees of Polish institutions and companies abroad, embassy staff, and all interested parties.