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Statement Regarding Misunderstandings Related to the Upcoming Stars Night Awards 2024 Event to be Held on October 5, 2024, at the Historic Royal Liver Building in Liverpool


Dear Guests and Viewers,

We want to address recent misunderstandings and accusations of Ms Amanda Lepusińska concerning the organization of the Stars Night Awards 2024. We wish to clarify several key points and dispel any doubts.

1. During the organization of this year's Stars Night Awards 2024, we intend to create an event that will be both inspiring and unforgettable for all participants. The list of artists and details regarding performances were discussed with our team, accepted, and confirmed by the artists performing at the gala and the organizer.
Ms. Amanda Lepusińska requested the opportunity to perform one song during the gala. However, the organizers had already finalized and closed the plan, of which she was informed. Therefore, there was no discussion about new terms for her participation. Initially, the organizer agreed that her performance was possible, but due to further discussions in a tense atmosphere, it was not possible to fulfil her request entirely according to her expectations.

2. The Stars Night Awards 2024 is a high-standard event organized in a prestigious building known as the Icon of Liverpool. The costs associated with venue rental, catering, production, and event promotion are significant and often not visible to participants. Entrance fees are required to partially cover these costs. We are committed to ensuring that the gala is professionally organized.

3. All nominated candidates were required to give consent in a confirming email, and Ms. Lepusińska also provided such consent. She could not be treated differently from other nominees, as this would be unfair to them. Information about tickets has been continuously visible on the website www.wyspa.tv. Participants are obliged to familiarize themselves with the regulations related to the poll. Everyone interested also had the opportunity to purchase a ticket at a discounted price, and many took advantage of this option, but there was a specified time for this.

4. We regret that Ms. Lepusińska felt mistreated. We are always open to constructive criticism. We understand that the tone of some responses may have been perceived as rude. However, we always strive to ensure that our communication is respectful and understanding, including towards us.
Ultimately, this led to an emotional discussion on both sides, especially since Ms. Lepusińska initiated this discussion at 4 a.m. in a private message to the organizer, which already caused some surprise and tension, resulting in her being blocked from the private account as her complaints were incessant.

We respect Ms Lepusińska's decision to withdraw from the list of performers and nominees and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
Wyspa TV always strives to operate according to the highest standards and in the best interest of all participants in our events. We appreciate the support and understanding of our audience and artists. Each year, we learn and strive to improve our actions to ensure unforgettable experiences.

We thank everyone for their understanding and support. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the organizer.

Any slander directed at the organizer and personal attacks that occurred in this matter, defamation, and violation of personal rights by Ms Amanda Lepusińska and her supporters regarding encouraging third parties to withdraw from the poll and discouraging participation, requests to share misleading information aimed at causing the failure of the entire event will be pursued legally, as they not only harm the organizer but also the good name of all Partners supporting this event.
However, it also has the image of the Royal Liver Building Liverpool, a globally renowned site listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as the World Association of Polish Media, which is the honorary patron of this event.
Evidence of these actions has been secured and is held at the Legal Advisor's Office.

Editor in Chief WYSPA TV
Maria Anna Furman